Aftermath of the French and Indian War

  • Signing the Treaty of Paris

    Ended the French and Indian War.
  • Sugar Act

    An attempt to finance the Britsh Goverment to stop the smuggling of Rum. These messures led to widespead Protest.
  • Stamp Act

    Parliment requierd every legal document, such as newspapers, and pamplements, forced to use watermarked, or "stamped" paper.
  • Virginian Resoultion

    The Virginia assembly refused to go along with the the stamp act.
  • Period: to

    Stamp act congress

    Nine Representives from the 13 colonies declared the Stamp Act unconstitutional, because it was taxed without their consent.
  • Declartory Act

    England finalises the repeal of the stamp act, but declares that if it has the right to tax the colonies