
After All Your Callie Boone by Natalie Scott

  • Expostion 1 Background- Best Friend Breal Up and Uncle Danny Movies In

    Expostion 1 Background- Best Friend Breal Up and Uncle Danny Movies In
    Callie and her best friend Amy Higgins are no longer friends. Poor Callie has been ditched for Samantha McAllister. Someone more "cool" and "grown up". As Callie is leaving on the last day of school she over hears Samantha and Amy talking about how she doesnt get "it" and how she is a loser, She wonders what she doesnt get and why is she a loser, What did she do wrong? And on top of that her Unlce Danny moves in, and this time he brings ferrets! Ulce Danny isn't exactly "liked" by Callie.
  • Expostion Two- Callies Crazy Home (Setting)

    Expostion Two- Callies Crazy Home (Setting)
    Callie loves in a normal house but she is comsidered the wiedest faimly one the block. She lives near her ex-bestfriend Amy and Amy's new best friend Samantha, Her home has a front yard and a backyard, To her, her house is normal not just the (incluing Uncle Danny and his ferrets.)
  • Expostion 3- The Boone Faimly (Charecters)

    Expostion 3- The Boone Faimly (Charecters)
    Callie's dad loves junk food, diving and ia very modest. Unlce Danny is odd and brooke. He had no money which is wh he is living with the Boone's, Callie's Grandmom is very fussy she likes to get her own way. Then there is Calle's mom. She used to be a drill sargent. She likes to be boss. Then There is Clay Callies little brother. He is four and runs aroud all sticky fingered, Kennthe Callie's brother likes rocker music. Callie had just lost her best friend and her and Dad are close.
  • Period: to

    After All You're Callie Boone

  • Rsing Action 1- Callie Meets Hoot

    Rsing Action 1- Callie Meets Hoot
    As Callie is walking home from the pool she notices a boy over the hedge she is already in a bad mood and doesnt want to talk. Hoot lookes over the hedge and begins to talk to her, He invites himself over tomorrow, Callie isn't exactly "excited"..
  • Conflict: Callie gets kicked out of the pool.

    Conflict: Callie gets kicked out of the pool.
    Callie is invited to go to the pool with her friends. She goes with Jennifer and a few other girls she doesnt really know. Callie is swiming around with all her friends. When Jen tells ask Callie if she can dive. She says yeah. Then they persure her into going of the high dive.The life gurad asks her to get off but she dosnt listen. Then she jumps off the board and does a big FAT belly flop. Then she gets kicked out of the pool, forever,
  • Rising Action 2: Hoot and Callie Do Chores Together.

     Rising Action 2: Hoot and Callie Do Chores Together.
    Since Callie is punished for getting kicked out of the pool the day her and Hoot are suppost to go bike riding Callie cannot go because her mom gave her a list of chores to do. Hoot comes over and helps her out so they get finished in time. Hoot and Callie really bond during this time.
  • Rising Action 3- Bike Ride

    Rising Action 3- Bike Ride
    Hoot and Callie finsih the chores so Callie can go on a bike ride with Hoot. As they are riding they see Callie's old best friend and Amy snickers at Callie's new best friend but it doesnt seem to bug her,
  • Rising Action 4: Callie Finds A Pool To Practice Diving

    Rising Action 4: Callie Finds A Pool To Practice Diving
    Hoot stays over for dinner. Callie and her dad were talking and they found a place where Callie can practice diving. Hoot asks if he can come with them the next day. Callie says he can. She cannot wait to practice diving again,.
  • Rising Action 5: Callie's Perfect Dive

    Rising Action 5: Callie's Perfect Dive
    Hoot asks Callie to show him one of her dives. So she goes up to the diving board, and dives. Izts perfect! Her legs went in every spot they were suppost to. She did everything JUST right. Hoot is very, very impressed with Callie. And so is her Dad.
  • Climax: Try Outs For Dive Team

    Climax: Try Outs For Dive Team
    On the way out of Callie's practincing Hoot see's a sign up sheet for try outs for a dive team! He rushs to tell Callie but doesnt know, Mabye it's too hard. Mabye she won't make it. But her Dad and Hoot convince her to sign up so she does, She is very nearvous.
  • Falling Action One- Bye, Bye Ferrets

    Falling Action One- Bye, Bye Ferrets
    When Callie and her dad are driving home from diving practice they notice a "Animal Control" van in there front yard. Then she sees her Grandma yelling at a lady. She figures out that the ferrets have been a diserbence in the nieghborhood. So Unlce Danny's ferrets get taken away. To come up with the money to get them back Callie creaties a Lemonade stand.
  • Falling Action 4: Callie Cannot Come Up With The Money

    Falling Action 4: Callie Cannot Come Up With The Money
    Callie cannot make up the money to but back the ferrets with her lemonade stand. She feels bad for her Uncle Danny but doesnt know what she can do.
  • Falling Action 5: Callie is very nervous for her dive team try-outs,

    Falling Action 5: Callie is very nervous for her dive team try-outs,
    Callie start going to the pool everyday to practice diving. She knew she had to go through servoous traing since she would have to compete agianst people who where older then her and had more skill and more experience.
  • Resoultion 1:Dving Try- Outs

    Resoultion 1:Dving Try- Outs
    Callie goes to dive team try-outs but she doesnt make it! She does a perfect dive every single time and she was very proud of herself for that but she doesnnt make it. She tells herself it's there loss.
  • Resoultion 2: Callie's Dad has a heart attack!

    Resoultion 2: Callie's Dad has a heart attack!
    When Callie comes home one day she finds out her dad has been in the hospital. She wonders why? Then she is told her dad had a heart attack. Callie is crushed. Her and he dad where so close.
  • Resolution 3- Changes

    Resolution 3- Changes
    Callie goes to vist her Dad in the hospital, he tells her there will need to be changes around the hous to help him get better. Callie begins to cry. She falls asleep that night making a list of changes she can do, to make her dad better, After all, she is Callie Bonne.