African Slave Trade

By kirrras
  • 100

    Spartacus Revolt

    Slaves out numbered their owners great and one of the most famous revolts was ran by Spartacus. He had an army of 90,000 and they defeated two Roman armies before Spartacus was killed in battle.
  • Jan 1, 1200

    Greece and Their Slaves

    Greece had questions about slavery but they never did anyhting about it. Captives, victims, and sometimes family members were made into slaves. They suffered badly. Greeks had almost complete power over their slaves.
  • Jan 1, 1250

    Slave Rule Egypt

    The slaves overruled and ran Egypt. The Mamluks, were Turks brought to Egypt in 1200. After seizing power, they conquered several contries. They lost 67 years later.
  • Jan 1, 1400

    Africans and Europian Indentured Slaves

    Africans and European indentured slaves lived most of the same life except that the IS were granted their freedom. African slaves were forced to serve for life.
  • Jan 1, 1500

    First Slave Owners in North America

    Klamath, Pawnee, Yurok, Creek, Mandan, and Comanche had small numbers of slaves.
  • Jan 1, 1500

    Catholic Monk in Spanish America

    This Catholic monk stopped the slaughtering of inslaved Native Americans
  • Jan 1, 1520

    Harvesting Tobacco

    The French and British plantion owners forced their slaves to work very hard. They worked them to death. Planters brought Africans to the islands to work on the plantaions after the normal workers refused.
  • Jan 1, 1550

    Ancient Egyptians

    They inslaved Hebrews, Babylonians, and their other captives. Slaves worked in the Pharoah's palace. They took after Joseph, who is famous for his many colored coat (Joseph and the Amazing Tecnicolored Dreamcoat). Later Jospeh and Moses lead the slaves out of eygpt and into freedom.
  • Slaves Stolen of Their Rights

    Slave gradually became less and less free. Their owners now had the ablity to kill them, beat them, sell them. They were not treated very well at all. They were taken of their freedom as a human being.
  • Colonies in Latin America

    The Spanish's silver and gold mines needed mining, they needed help on their farms, and they needed the extra labor around the house. The Spansish took in Native Americans and inslaved them. The Indians suffered severely from English diseases. A monk realzed what was happening and made a gentler treatment for the Indians.
  • Portuguese in Brazil

    The Portuguese needed slaves from their sugar plantation and gold silver mines. At first they inslaved the Indians, but soon they too turned to the Africans.
  • Native Americans Off Limits

    The Spanish still needed someone to do their work. They started looking and eventually took in Africans. Africans were already ammune to diseases.
  • Free Blacks

    By the 1700s there were less slaves than free blacks.
  • Africans Import

    By the 1700s almost 100,000 Africans were imported to take over the hard jobs the Europeans refused to do.
  • Supporting Institution of Slavery

    They shipped huge numbers of Africans to the English, French, and Spanish colonies that had settled in the Americas.
  • Protesting Against Slavery

    Some of the people in Britaian began to protest against slavery. They beleived that every man was free.
  • Outlaw of Slavery in England

    Finally slavery was outlawed in England.
  • Revolt Against St. Domingue

    The revolt against St. Domingue was a success and the world's first black republic was established.
  • 2 Million Slaves

    Brazil had 2 million slaves by the 1800s. Slaves, mainly Africans, were half of Brazil's population.
  • Zanzibar Relied on Slaves

    Africans consumed 90% of Zanzibar's population.
  • Abolition Act

    The Abolition Act ended the British slave trade.
  • Overseers

    By this time many pantations and farms were left in charge of overseers. They had no financial reason to keep the slaves healthy. They treated them badly, this resulted in slaves having an average life span of 7 years.
  • Britain Tries to End Slavery

    The British public turned against slavery and then tried to end slavery in Europe and the Americas.
  • Emancipation Act

    The Emancipation Act abolished slavery in every British colony.
  • 8 Million Slaves

    There are 8 million slaves in Asia. 25% to 33% is made up of slaves.
  • Brazilian Slave Trade

    The Brazilian Slave Trade finally ended. But all the slaves were not freed until 1888.
  • European-Americans

    Northern states of Europe started shipping Africans off to American to start the slavery that we are familiar with. Nearly 4,000,000 slaves in the counrty by this time.
  • Civil War

    The American civil War was faught over slavery. During this time Abe Lincoln passed a law that freed all slaves from rebel states, In 1865 the North's win brought slavery to and end throughout the entire United States.
  • Slaves Freed

    Finally all the slaves in Brazil were freed.
  • Slavery is Still Current in Asia

    They have had slavery for thousands of year and still currently have slavery in Asia.
  • China Slavery Abolished

    Completely abolished in 1910, but there continued to be problems.
  • Abolish of Slavery in China

    Wang Mang abolished slavery but then it reatablished 7 years later.
  • Muscles of Slaves

    The empire of Rome could not have been built without help from slaves. Although slavery also may have been what caused their downfall.
  • Forced Labor Slavery

    Forced labor slavery had started. Prisoners were worked to death and those to weak to work were killed.
  • Nazi Germany

    Nazi inslaved many of people in the 1940s. Many people were sent to concentration camps.
  • World War II

    Over 700,000 people were inslaved. The slave camps were part of a larger Nazi extermination effort. Many people were methodically killed.
  • Current Slavery

    Still now in Asia, children are sold. Young men and women are forced into prostitution. They have no personal rights in Asia.
  • Roman Republic

    Many Romans worked their own famrs. But later the Punic Wars changed that. Romans began enslaving enemy captives. This made them into a slave-based society.
  • Africans Slavery

    There was slavery in Africa way before the europeans even came to look for more slaves. Land was owned by communities. The slave belonged to the family. Being a slave was not a lifetime status. Slaves were made up of captives, criminals, and people in debt.