African American History

  • House of Burgesses; Negro Women's children

    House of Burgesses; Negro Women's children
    This states that if a child's mother is a Slave or was previously enslaved then the civil status of the child would be enslaved.
  • Quakers

    Quakers began to settle in Pennsylvania.
  • Women Slaves

    By 1720 women made up 1/3 of the slave population in Maryland and the population began to increase naturally.
  • South Carolina, Stono Rebellion

    By 1738 over 100 South Carolina slaves had escaped to Spanish Florida and formed a free black militia company at St. Augustine.
  • Slave population in Chesapeake

    By 1750 slaves made up 40% of the Population in parts of Chesapeake-over 75% were American born
  • Seven Years' War

    Seven Years' War
    This was a war between France and Britain that began in North America. The war ended with Great Britain winning and France was forced to withdraw from North America.
  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act
    The Sugar Act passed. This was to raise renevue for Britain rather than simply to regulate American trade.
  • Townshend Acts

    Townshend Acts
    This act was passed in which taxed glass, lead, paint, paper, and tea imported into the colonies from Britain.
  • Boston Massacre

    British troops fired into an angry crowd and killed five Bostonians.
  • The Meermin Slavery Revolt

    The Meermin Slavery Revolt
    Massavana leads revolt with other slaves when slave owners gave them weapons to clean. Massavana was the first freedom fighter to lead a revolt which took place on the Meermin, a ship used through the Middle Passage.
  • England Abolished Slave Trade

    England Abolished Slave Trade
    By the time slave trade had ended, the English had transported 1.7 million Africans.
  • End of Slave Trade

    End of Slave Trade
    The Atlantic Slave trade was the last Slave Trade and 9.5 million Slaves were imported to America.