
Adeline Yen Mah biography

  • Adeline Yen Mah is born

    Adeline Yen Mah is born
    Adeline (born Yen Jun-Ling) is born at her family home in Tianjin, China.She had an older sister, Lydia (Jun-pei); three older brothers, Gregory (Zi-jie), Edgar (Zi-lin) and James (Zi-jun); and a younger half brother, Franklin and half sister, Susan (Jun-qing). November 30th is not her true birthday, but it is her official one; since her birthdate was not recorded, her father gave her his own, which was a common custom in those days.
  • Adeline's mother dies

    Adeline's mother dies of complications two weeks after her birth, and Adeline is subsequently labeled as bad luck and shunned by her siblings.
  • Adeline's father remarries

    Adeline's father remarries
    Adeline's father marries a then-seventeen year old Eurasian girl named Jeanne Virginie Prosperi, who was addressed by her stepchildren as Niang. She and Adeline's father had two chidlren together, Franklin and Susan.
  • Adeline's father moves to Shanghai

    Adeline's father moves to Shanghai
    Adeline's father, who is wanted by the Japanese, escapes to Shanghai, later followed by his wife and son Franklin.
  • Adeline and siblings move to Shanghai

    Adeline and siblings move to Shanghai
    Adeline and her full siblings join her father, stepmother and half brother in the house on Avenue Joffre in Shanghai.
  • Adeline and family move to Hong Kong

    Adeline, at the age of eleven, moves to Hong Kong with her family.
  • Adeline wins a contest

    Adeline wins a playwriting contest at her school and because of it her father allows her to go and study in England.
  • Adeline marries for the first time

    Adeline marries a man named Byron Bai-Lun Soon
  • Adeline divorces

    Adeline divorces Byron because he is violent and cuts him off. This is four years after the birth of their son Roger.
  • Adeline remarries

    Adeline remarries to Professor/abstract painter Robert A Mah who adopted Roger.
  • Adeline's daughter is born

    Adeline and Robert's daughter Ann is born. She is also a writer.