Act of Parliament 1763-1774

  • Proclamation of 1763

    An act that was passed to keep the colonist from expanding more towards the Appalachian Mountains. One of the main goals of it was to relieve tension between the Natives and the English.
    The colonist were not so happy about this act, due to the fact that some who had already settled west had to make the move back to the East.
  • Sugar Act

    This act was passed to help pay for the debt from the French and Indian War, it put taxes on items such as molasses's and rum, basically anything with sugar.
    This then in return sparked the famous phrase from the colonists "No Taxation Without Representation Came Into Play"
  • Stamp Act

    This Act was put a direct tax on any and every legal document in the British Colonies. Each document had to have a certified stamp on it so that each paper was taxed and so Britain could make more revenue.
    The colonist reacted to this by speaking on their dissent of the act in assemblies, newspapers, basically anything where they could be heard. They even went on to create a Stamp Act Resolves. Some protestors, the violent ones, made the stamp distributors resign from their position.
  • Quatering Act

    This act required that the colonist house the British soldiers no matter what. If they did not have room in the house then they would have to make room in their barn, shed, anything they had.
    The colonists did not particularly love the fact that they had to house these soldiers in their homes, especially without a say so on when they were to come.
  • Declaratory Act

    This act was repealing the Stamp Act but it was still letting the colonist know that the government still had power over them. Periodt.
    The Colonist reacted to this act with the famous saying 'no taxation without representation", this was because it had hurt trade as well the people of the colonies due to the fact that they were paying for all these taxes to a government that did not really govern correctly.
  • Townshend Act

    This act was passed to help pay for the French and Indian War (the debt from it), it taxed all the good that were imported to the colonists.
    The colonist reacted to this by boycotting frequently, with one of their tactics of boycotting being to not purchase any British goods.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre was the spark of the American Revolution. British soldiers took fire into a crown of American Colonist which left five dead in total.
    Of course the Colonists were in distress after this, and they had had enough of the British rule, so from that point on, their goal was removing themselves from British rule.
  • Massachuetts Government Act

    This act gave the King sole power to appoint and remove people of the Massachusetts government, so that meant that Mass. was controlled by the royal power.
    The Colonist reacted to this by forming their own government which was called the Mass. Provincial Congress.
  • First Continental Congress

    This was a congress/convention of representatives from 12 out of the 13 colonies that met in Philadelphia. This was one of the first forms of a separate government from the British.
    It was formed by the colonist, this was at a point where the Stamp Act had become too much for them and they was over it, and wanted it gone in the wind. So they came together to try and find a solution to it.