Abel tas

Abel Tasman

  • Abel Tasman was born

    Abel Tasman was born
  • starting journey

    starting journey
    stared his journey to van diemens land now know as tasmania
  • first sight of tasmania

    about 4 o,clock we saw the first land ww have met in south sea
  • after a month at sea

    after a month at sea
    after a month at sea ,the dutch explorer Abel Tasman's diary entry for the 24 of novenber
  • by 1642

    by 1642
    by 1642 the ducth had charterd the north, the west and much of the southern geograghical limits
  • in 1985

    with a purported likeness on a 1985 stamp
  • 1 of december

    on decemember 1 the anchored north-west of greens bay an half an hour sun set