Period: to
George Washington's precidency
George Washington was in precidency for 8 years, two terms. -
Period: to
John Adam's Precidency
John Adam's presidency lasted for 4 years, one term. -
Period: to
1800 - 1850
Census 1800
In 1800 the census in the United States of America there were 5,308,483 people. -
Period: to
Thomas Jefferson's Presidency
Thomas Jefferson's presidency lasted for 8 years, two tems. -
Ohio Admission
Slave Trade Act
America stops trading slaves. -
Period: to
James Madison's presidency
James Madison's presidency lasted for 8 years, two terms. -
Census in 1810
In 1810 the amount of people was 7,239,881. -
Louisianna Admission
Indiana Admission
Second bank of the U.S.A.
The second bank in America gains its 20 year charter. -
Mississippi Admission
Steam Boat Creation
The creation of the steam boat changed the way people traded and traveled. -
Period: to
James Monroe's Presideency
James Monroe's presidency lasted for 8 years, two terms. -
Illinois Admission
Alabama Admission
From a treaty with Spain we gained Florida in 1819. -
Maine State Admission
Missouri Compermise
In 1820 the Missouri compermise was created. -
Census 1820
In 1820 the population in the U.S.A. was 9,638,453 people. -
Missouri Admission
Santa Fe trail
In 1821 the Santa Fe trail was opened. -
Monroe Doctrine
The Monroe Doctrine was introduced in 1823. -
Period: to
John Quincy Adams' presidency
John Quincy Adams' pesidency lasted for 4 years, one term. -
California Tax Equality Act
In 1827 Californiaa established the California Tax Equality Act. -
Tarrif of Abominations
The Tarriff of Abominations was passed in 1828 to preotect industries. -
Period: to
Andrew Jackson's presidency
Andrew Jackson's presidency lasted for 8 years, two terms. -
Indian Removal Act
The Indian removal act started in 1830 started by Andrew Jackson. Also making the Trail of Tears. -
Census 1830
The Census in 1830 counted up to be 12,860,702 people in the U.S.A. -
Nat Turners Rebellion
Nat Turners rebellion was in 1831, and it was a war where the black men waged war agaist the white men. -
Renweing of the bank charter
In 1832 the second bank charte was renewed. -
Texas Revolution
The Texas revolution was in 1835. -
Arkansas Admission
Battle of the Alamo
The battle of the Alamo happened and Texas became more eagar to win. -
Michigan Admission
Period: to
Martin Van Buren's presidency
Martin Van Buren's presidency lasted for 4 years, one term. -
Trail of Tears
The tail of tears was walked upon. It is called the trail of tears because of the sadness that was there. -
Census 1840
In 1840 the census came up to be 17,063,353 people living in the U.S.A. -
Period: to
John Tyler's Presidncy
John Tyler's presidency lasted for 4 years, one term. -
Period: to
William Henry Johnson's presidency
William Henry Johnsons presidency did not even last for a year, sadly. He died of pnemonia because his annougural address was done in the cold. -
Oregon Trail
The first cart went on the Oregon trail and reached Oregon in 1842. -
Flordia Admission
The Great Famine of 1845
The Great Famine of 1845 destroied the preduction of potatoes. At the time potatoes were a major staple that was exported to other countries. Without Irelands we had to fin another way to get our own. -
Period: to
James K. Polk's Presidency
James K. Polk's presidency lasted for 4 years, one term. -
Iowa Admission
Mexican American War
The Mexican American war happened in 1846. Americ went to war with Mexico. -
The End Of The War
The Treaty of Guadlupe Hidalgo ended the Mexican war. The California gold rush started. -
Period: to
Zachary Taylor's Presidency
Zachary Taylor's presidency lasted for 1 year. -
California Admission
Census 1850
In 1850 the population in the U.S.A. was 23,191,876 people.