a life in the wild

  • A Warning Came From The Ravine

    A Warning Came From The Ravine
    A deep rumble growl gorge froze the hidden tiger was probably guarding a kill he maid a prudent detour but later he found a dead gaur bull
  • Kanha National Park

    Kanha National Park
    was a graceful land of rolling hills, forested ravines, and treedotted meadows theScalers small house was right in the middle of gorges study area
  • During his fourteenth month in kenya

    During his fourteenth month in kenya
    georg spent 129 hours observing tigers and almost 700 hours observing their prey
  • By march hot season had returned

    By march hot season had returned
    And gorges study was coming to a close. the cubs where now sixteen months old.the mail cub cold hunt as well now to.