
A Brief History of the Home Video Market

By OldVern
  • The Dawn of Home Video

    Sony introduces the Betamax as the first VCR technology in the early 1970's,
  • Universal Sues Sony

    Sony v Universal begins in the Supreme Court
  • Video Stores on the Rise

    Video stores are introduced and begin to become popular in the early 1980's; VHS is in its inception.
  • Sony Wins the Battle, But Will Lose the War

    Eight years later, the Supreme Court rules in favor of Sony over Universal. Ghostbusters is released in theaters on June 8th and later on VHS and Betamax :)
  • VHS For the Win

    Movie rentals surpass box office earnings; VHS destroys Beta as the preferred VCR format.
  • Here Comes the DVD

    DVD's are first introduced in the mid-1990's.
  • On-Demand Is In Demand

    Cable and sattelite providers begin to offer InDemand or VOD programming.
  • Hi-Def Is Blowing Minds

    High Definition DVD's are offered in two different formats: Blu-Ray and HD-DVD.
  • What's a "YouTube"?

    YouTube is formed from Google Video.
  • So Long to HD-DVD

    Warner Brothers chooses to distribute their movies on Blu-Ray instaed of HD-DVD, thus making the HD-DVD obsolete.
  • VOD is the Next Big Thing

    Video On Demand services like Hulu and Netflix begin to gain momentum.