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A Beginning Nation

  • The Homestead Act

    The Homestead Act
    The Homestead Act was passed is an important event during the time period when America grew as a nation. It gave men 160 acres of land. They had to pay $10 and settle on land for 5 years. Also, they had to build a home within six months and grow crops. These are just some of the reasons why the Homestead Act was passed is an Important event during the time period that America was a growing nation.
  • The Grange was Organized

    The Grange was Organized
    An important Event during the time period where America grew as a nation is when the Grange was organized. It helped the families solve problems they faced. They worked to keep the railroad companies from Charging too much to ship crops. These are just some reasons why the Grange was organized is the most important event during the time period that America was a growing nation.
  • The First Transcontinental Railroad finshed

    The First Transcontinental Railroad finshed
    An important event during the time period where America grew as a nation is when the First Transcontinental Railroad was finished. The railroad ran across the entire continent. It joined the East Coast and the West Coast of the country. Each Company hired thousands of workers.These are just some reasons why the First Transcontinental Railroad being built is an important event during the time period that America was growing as a nation.
  • The Battle Of Little Bighorn

    The Battle Of Little Bighorn
    The Battle of Little Bighorn is an important event during the time period where America grew a nation. It happened near the Little Bighorn River in the Montana Territory. The battle lasted less than an hour. People in the battle were the Sioux, Cheyenne, Arapaho warrior. They were all tribes of the Northern plains. These are some of the reasons why the Battle of Little Bighorn is the most important event during the time period that America was growing as a nation.
  • Thomas Edison invents Light Bulb

    Thomas Edison invents Light Bulb
    An important event during the time period where America grew as a nation is when Thomas Edison created the first Electric Light bulb. Edison produced a light bulb that lasted 1,500 hours. He made the light bulb, so people didn’t have to use candles or lanterns in their homes because they could cause fires. These are some reasons why the Electric Light bulb was invented by Thomas Edison is important event during the time period that America was a growing nation.
  • Statue of Liberty Erected

    Statue of Liberty Erected
    An Important event during the time period where America grew as a nation is when the Statue of Liberty being Erected. It symbolized freedom and democracy for Immigrants who came to America. It was a joint effort between France and the United States. It also symbolized the 2 nations working together. These are some reasons why the Statue of Liberty being Erected is an important event during the time period where America was growing as a nation.
  • The American Federation of Labor Started

    The American Federation  of Labor Started
    An important event during the time period America grew as a nation is the starting of The American Federation of Labor started. It brought together craft unions such as Carpenters, Stonemasons, and printers. It was led by Samuel Gompers. The AFL fought for higher wages, shorter hours, and better working conditions. These are some of the reasons why the American federation starting is an important event during the time period America was growing as a nation.
  • Wounded Knee Massacre

    Wounded Knee Massacre
    An important event during period where America was a growing nation was the Wounded Knee Massacre. It happened because of the Ghost Dance movement and the death of Chief Sitting Bull. Then there was big Massacre between the Indians and the U.S Soldiers. About 150 Indians died and the cavalry lost 25 men. These are some reasons why the Wounded knee Massacre is the most important event during the time period that America was a growing nation.
  • Ellis Island Opened

    Ellis Island Opened
    An Important event during the time period America grew as a nation is when Ellis Island opened. The building was 27.5 acres and 25 million immigrants were processed. Also, it got its name from previous owner Samuel Ellis. In 1808 the Federal Government bought Ellis Island for $10,000. These are some reasons why Ellis Island opening is an important event during the time period that America was a growing nation.
  • NAACP begins

    NAACP begins
    An important event during the time period when America grew as a nation is when the NAACP began. The NAACP established an anti-lynching committee. It was founded in New York. The NAACP works to that people are treated equally. These are some reasons why The NAACP beginning is an important event during the time period when America grew as a nation.