A bad case of stripes davidshannon

A Bad Case of Stripes-Wendy lin

  • Expositon

    Camila always care about what other people thought of herOn the first day of school,Camila was deciding what to wear and found out that she was covered in stropes when she looked in the mirror .When her parrent saw her,they kept Camila home
  • Rising Action

    Rising Action
    The next day,Camila went to school with her stripes.Her classmates laugh at her because of her striples and her stripes turned into whatever pattern people were calling out.That night the principle called and kept Camila at home
  • Climax

    Camila's parrent called the doctor,Mr.Bumble and some speacialist .Each one gave Camilaa some medicine.At night,Camila took her medicine,But the next day,she turned into the medicine she took the night before.Mr.Bumble brought experts with him this time,but it did not help
  • Falling Action

    Someone told Camila to relax,Camila blend into the wall.One day,an old lady appeared and told them that she could help Camila.When she asked Camila if she wanted any lima beans.Camila didn't want everyone to laugh at her so she said that she hated lima beans.The old lady began to walk to the door.When she reaches the door,Camila admitted that she liked lima beans
  • Resolution

    After Camila ate the lima beans,her stripes disappeared.At school she ate lima beans every single day and did not care what other people thought of her