
A Bad Case of Stripes By. David Shannon

  • Camilia Cream Loved Lima Beans

    Camilia Cream Loved Lima Beans
    Camilia Cream loved lima beans, but all of her friends hated them. She wanted to fit in with her friends and never ate lima beans when she was around them. She was getting ready for the first day of school. She couldn't decide what to wear until she looked in the mirror!
  • Camilia Cream has stripes!

    Camilia Cream has stripes!
    Camilia looked in the mirror and saw she has stripes all over! Her mom did not want her going to school and wanted a doctor to come over as soon as possible. The doctor didn't know what was wrong with Camilia, but wanted her to stay home
  • Camilia goes to school

    Camilia goes to school
    Camilia Cream went to school and quickly realized something was seriously wrong with her. When the students were saying the Pledge of Allegiance Camilia was turning into the American flag. Stars, stripes and all. Quickly the children began to make fun of her and tease her. The children started shouting out different colors and Camilia kept changing. She was so embarrassed.
  • Camilia can no longer go to school

    Camilia can no longer go to school
    Camilia's principal called her parents and told her that Camilia can not return back to school until she is all better. Her parents didn't know what to do, but try and find a doctor who can gives them answers as to what is wrong with their daughter.
  • The specialist doctor did not help Camilia

    The specialist doctor did not help Camilia
    The specialist doctor's that came and visit Camilia told her to take colorful pills that will help her get better. In Camilia's case it made everything worst! Camilia woke up the next morning and her head was in the same shape as the colorful pill she had taken. She felt awful then she did the day before.
  • It has gotten worst

    It has gotten worst
    More doctors came to check out Camilia and nobody knew what was wrong. Every type of doctor has now tried to figure out what is wrong with Camilia that the TV news wanted more information. Camilia was so embarrassed and didn't want anybody to see her.
  • Help is finally here

    Help is finally here
    Everybody was trying to help Camilia turn back to normal but it was just getting worst and worst. Camilia now turned into her wall. Her mouth was her bed, eyes were her picture frames and her nose was her dresser. FINALLY an older lady came into her room and wanted to help. She spoke to Camilia and put lima beans into her mouth.
  • At last Camilia is free from the bad case of stripes

    At last Camilia is free from the bad case of stripes
    Everything that Camilia was has now disappeared. The stripes were bona, branches, leaves everything! She was so happy to go back to school stripes free. The other kids thought she was weird, but Camilia did not care. She ate all the lima beans that she wants, and the stripes were never to been seen again.
  • A Base Case of Stripes read-aloud