Marvel ww2 stories by big d artiz d35wdkx

_Brown wwII_hitler_expands

  • The Anschluss

    The Anschluss
    At this point Hitler wanted all all nations that spoke german in Europe to unite with germany but his man objective was to take back one of germany's terrories and his homeland Austria. But the treaty of versailles stopped him. This tells me that Hitler desires power to control everthing.
  • The Munich Conference

    The Munich Conference
    This was an agreement signed by Great Britain, France, Italy and Germany to sign over the western region of Czechoslovakia to Germany to try and avoid war, but Hitler contuined to envade other countries anyway. This shows how greedy Hitler is and how he can't settle for what he already has.
  • The Nazi Soviet Pact

    The Nazi Soviet Pact
    The Nazi Soviet pact was an agreement between Germany and Russia that said that neither countries would attack the other for 10 years and that Germany would exchange manufactured goods for Russia's raw materials. The pact only lasted 2 years before Hitler decided to invade Russia. This shows what a tactical, backstabber Hitler is. A true leader does'nt go against his word.
  • The War Begins

    The War Begins
    at this point Germany leaded by Hitler's actions has gone way to far causing another World War. The Axis powers- Germany, Italy and Japan vs The Leauge of Nations
  • Danzig and the Polish Corridor

    Danzig and the Polish Corridor
    Danzig became a free city under Poland from Gremany under the protection of the League of Nationson on January 10, 1920. But the Geramns wanted it back so on August 23, 1939 invited German power to the city. Later that year on September 1, Germany invaded danzig. This final event shows how Hitler yearns for power and how he wants to take back Germanies lost terrtories.