Key Events of the American Revolution

By lavoyta
  • Battles of Lexington and Concord.

    General Thomas Gage of the British heard that patriots were storing weapons in Concord near Boston so General Thmas Gage sent 700 british soldiers to find the weapons and arrest the patriot leaders. when the british solidres arrived in lexington they found Minutemen waiting for them. A mysteryist shot was heard this was the start of the Revolutionary war.
  • Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson. With this document the patriots declared their independence from Britain.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    The victory of the Batle of Saratoga showed the French the colonists had a chance of winning the war. The French sent over soldiers, ships, and guns. The colonists won more battles because of this help.
  • Troops arrive at Valley Forge

    At Valley Forge during the winter of 1777, von Steuburn reported to Washington, and to take on the job of drilling the Continental army. So all the soliders could be ready to fight.
  • Troops leave Valley Forge

    By the time of the end the soilders were well trained. The army was ready to march on. The condition of the army was poor some of the soilders were ill, hungry and most had no boots.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    when the british goverment got news that france was going against the british goverment they moved thier attacks to the southern colonies for several weeks. Benedict Arnold attacked colonial towns for the british
  • Treaty of Paris

    The Treaty of Paris ended the Revolutionary War. The British and Americans talked with one another to work out an agreement. After more than a year of such talk the Treaty of Paris was signed by the British and American representatives on September 3, 1783.