Unit 3 & Unit 4: Jeffersonian era & Jackson era

By rooster
  • Election of 1800

    Election of 1800
    In the ellection of 1800 Thomas Jefferson ,and his running mate Aaron Burr, defeated John Adams. Although Aaron Burr was running for vice-president, he and Thomas Jefferson tied for presidential votes. In the end Jefferson won the election.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    The Louisiana Purchase nearly doubled the size of the United States. The united states purchesd the land from the French. They sold if for $10 million dollars and they sold for that much because they were in the middle of a war and needed some money. In the end they paid 0.08 cents an acre.
  • Marbury v. Madison Supreme Court Decision

    Basicly what happened in the Marbury v. Madison case was that Marbury was appointed to be a justice at the end of John Adam's term. In the end he ended up losing the case.
  • Lewis & Clark reach the Pacific Ocean

    Lewis & Clark reach the Pacific Ocean
    Lewis and Clark ,with a group of vounter Corps, reached the Pacific Ocean. During their expidetion the encounterd multiple Native American tribes, They also met a Shoshone women named Sacagawea who was their guide and helped them get to the Western United States.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    Treaty of Ghent
    This treaty was signed by the US and Britian. This officially ended the war of 1812. In the treaty, the British agreed to take out all soldiers in North America. That included the soldiers that had been there since they Revolutionary War.
  • Andrew Jackson Elected President (1st Term)

    Andrew Jackson won the election overwhelmingly. His supporters were Martin Van Buren and John C. Calhoun. He was a Decmocrat. Him and and Calhoun (vice president) had conflicts and in the end Calhoun ended up resigning before the end of his term.