Explorer - Nina

By cmcgeh
  • Jan 1, 1470


    Born between 1470 to 1475. I am not sure of the exact date of his birth.
  • Jan 1, 1470

    where he was born

    where he was born
    He was born at Trujillo in Spain. It is a very pretty site in my oppinion.
  • Jan 1, 1477

    No reading or writing

    As a child he never learn how to read or write. In my opinion it is very sad
  • Jan 1, 1502


    left Spain for exploring the world. I don't know the real date.
  • Jan 1, 1531

    a win

    wins Peru for Spain.
  • Jun 26, 1541


    his partner Almagro sent his family and friends to kill him.