a rose for emily

By kayfog
  • the father's death

    the father's death
    the father past away. People said the house was all she had.
  • emily buys poison

    emily buys poison
    she buys the poison to poison homer
  • homer's arrival into town

    homer arives in town for work
  • men put lime around house to get rid of the smell

    they came to remove the smell.
  • weird smell develops

    weird smell develops
    the weird smell is the corps.
  • emily gives china paintings lessons

    emily gives china paintings lessons
    she gives painting lessons.
  • Emily's taxes remitted

    Emily's taxes remitted
    they just told emily that she didn't have to pay taxes
  • aldermen try to collect emily's taxes

    aldermen try to collect emily's taxes
    the aldermen tried to collect emily's taxes
  • emily's death

    emily's death
    emilly dies
  • homer's skeleton is discovered

    homer's skeleton is discovered
    it was discovered after emily died