90s Timeline.

By 62052
  • Popular Car

    Popular Car
    Honda Accord.
    The Honda Accord is one of the most sold vehicles in the world around 200,00 sold each year!
    It can go to 60 miles in 5.5 seconds
    The starting price is around 20k.
  • Toys

    The slinky. You can do a lot with a slinky its very hard to explain but they are very very fun. You can also make waves and they can go downstairs by themselves if you angle it right.
    Bop it! This is a machine where you have 3 actions to do. Bop it (smack the middle of the toy) Twist it twist the top of the toy and pull the bottom of the toy. It will yell out one of the actions and you do that action that the machine said.
  • Actor

    Tom Hanks Tom hanks were deemed America's Favorite actor in 2015. This is because of how many NO.1 actors reward tome hank has won. Tom hank has been in over 85 movies!
    With a lot of those being pretty big roles in the movie. America sure does love tom hanks! Tom hanks have won 53 awards and have been nominated for 136.
  • Sports Figure

    Sports Figure
    Shaq Shaq is 7’1 tall. There are only 2800 people in the world that are 7 feet tall which is about a 0.000038% chance to be that tall. Shaq Broke 19 rims in his Basketball career. Thats the most rims a player has ever shattered in Basketball. Shaq was already 6’4 as a very young kid he was only 8 when he was 6 feet tall!
  • Music

    Nevermind By nirvana One of the most well-known albums of all time. With Hit songs like smells like teen spirit and Come As You Are. This is the second album that they have made and probably their best album to date. Illmatic by Nas is Easily one of the best rap albums of all time. By Nas a boy that grew up in the hood part in new york. This album has some of the best rap songs ever made like the NY State of Mind and memory Lane
  • President

    Bill Clinton.
    He won 2 elections in a row to do 8 years of office
    He was president during one of the longest times of peace in America.
    He was elected right after the cold war ended.
  • Movie

    Nightmare before Christmas It made only 91 million dollars in the box office. It was a flop on release but now it is a very well-known movie. The entire movie was based on just one poem. The poem is called Twas the Night Before Christmas Nightmare Before Christmas has been out for over 25 years. It came out in 1993
  • Technology

    Nintendo 64 The Nintendo 64 sold 32 million units before it got discontinued in 2002. The Nintendo 64 was a ground-breaking console, being the first 64-bit processor console. It had 3 name changes and finally went back to the formal name Nintendo 64
  • Fashion

    Very Vibrant colors and outfits In the 90s everybody was wearing very colorful and vibrant my mom told me about how walking around was like constantly staring at a different color.
    Almost everybody was wearing headbands in a bunch of ninety-style movies and tv shows you see some headbands.
    A lot of jeans overalls and other types of overalls were very very popular back in the nineties with it being popular because it was easy low maintenance fit.
  • News Event

    News Event
    Columbian Shooting 13 Dead and 20 were wounded in the shooting. The killer did not make it out of the school alive. It was multiple people that did the shooting. It took place at Sandy Hook Elementary school. prompted a national debate on gun control and school safety, as well as a major investigation to determine what motivated the gunmen, Eric Harris, 18, and Dylan Klebold, 17.
  • Tv Show

    Tv Show
    Spongebob squarepants
    Spongebob in total has around 277 episodes with 11 seasons. Each SpongeBob episode lasts around 11 minutes, it totals the show about 3000 minutes or 50 hours or 2 days of watching Spongebob. The original name of Spongebob was going to be SpongeyBoy but that name was already copyrighted by a mop.
  • Music 2

    Music 2
    operation DoomsdayThe Debut album of Hip Hop Artist MF DOOM. A very different album than normal hip-hop albums back then with very well-put-together rhymes and catchy beats. A Great album!