8th cavalry

8th Illinois Cavalry

  • Illinois Cavalry starts off

    The 8th Regiment Illinois Volunteer Cavalry was a cavalry regiment that served in the Union Army during the American Civil War. The regiment served throughout the war, and was the only cavalry to do this. They helped catch John Wilkes Booth (Lincolns murderer) and due to this Lincoln gave them the nik name of "Farnsworth's Abolitionist Regiment"
  • Grants attemp to take Vicksburg

    Grants attemp to take Vicksburg
    The union wanted to capture Vicksburg because it was very important the south during the civil war. With the unions navy helping them out the Cavalry and other soldiers destroyed Vicksburg. They surrounded the city, cut off supply lines and by mid june their were 80,000 soldiers/cavalry around the Mississippi.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    During the battle of Gettysburg the Cavalry headed west. They arrived early in the morning and waited for the confederates to arrive. When the confedearates arrived noone opened fire first but eventually the confederates fired. The Cavalry held off long enough for Union back ups to arrive and help them out and escaped without to many casualties.
  • After the Civil war

    After the Civil war
    After all the Cavalry helped the Union with throughout the Civil war like fought in battles, left their families on short notice, and sacrificed their lives day in and day out they had repaid them by making a memorial called Camp Kane. This camp can be foubnd in Chicago and its in honor of the Illinois 8th Cavalry