spain holidays

  • the running of the bulls

    the running of the bulls
    The running of the bulls involves a small group of bulls. that have been let loose in the sheets of spain . then the bulls run and being to cheesing a lage group of people throug the sheets .this takes plaes on the 6th of july for 7 days.
  • Moros y Cristianos

    Moros y Cristianos
    this holiday is celebrated to remeber the battle between the moors and christians know as the reconquista. this is from the 8th century to the 15th century. they reinact the battle of reconquista.
  • Castellers de Vilafranca

    Castellers de Vilafranca
    this holiday is a very cool holiday. it incoloeds people makeing a human tawer. 400 active human building mumbers of all ages and there is no race.
  • La fería de abril

    La fería de abril
    The fair begins at midnight on Monday and is for 6 days .than the fair ends on the folling sunday. the fair incoloeds rieds.the fair ferst strted in the 1847 on the 18th of april.
  • La tomatina

    La tomatina
    this holiday is a very shrang holiday. becouse you praticipants throwing tomatoest at euch other. In 1944 some young men
    picked tomatoes and used them as weapon. the police had to up the fight.