Labor Events

  • National Labor Union

    An organization made of all kinds of people that wanted working conditiond to be improved by the government not by workers arguing with buisnesses. One of their major ideals was the eight hour work day.
  • The Colored National Labor Union

    An organization that essencially wanted equal work rights for african americans as white men. This including pay, hours and working condition.
  • Knights of Labor

    An early labor union that invited all people, skilled and unskilled, no matter what race or gender to join. They wanted things such as an eight hour work day, ending of child labor and equal pay for equal work.
  • American Federation of Labor

    An "umbrella organization for other unions", they orginally only allowed skilled workers and didn't beleive in violence in order to get a message across.
  • Haymarket Affair

    During a rally to protest against the police who shot a protestor the day before, the police tried to break it up when a bomb was thrown at them. They then tpulled open fire on the crowd.
  • The Great Railroad Strike of 1887

    Being the Counrty's first major rail road strike, wages were cut immensly due to the economy of the time. Workers got fed up and quit until wages increased.
  • The Homestead Strike

    Frick took things out of control by lockin the workers in after thier attempt to argue over the fact that they could no longer communicate through unions. It ended in violence.
  • American Railway Union

    A union for railroad workers. One big thing that they fought for was higher wages, or for at least the wages to stop being cut.
  • Pullman Strike

    After many wage cuts in the Pullman buisness, the ARU decided that its workers will no longer work on any cars belonging to Pullman
  • Industrial Workers of the World

    An organization with many unskilled laborers and others minorities such as women and even children that worked to solve problems with working conditions such as shorter hours, better pay and safer conditions.
  • Uprising of 20,000

    An eleven week strike of New York's Shirtwaist Industry.It consisted of mostly young women that were completely unhappy with their conditions.
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire

    A fire in the Trianlge Shirtwaist Factory caused the death of 146 workers, mostly women. They could not escape because they were locked in by employers and so many jumped to their deaths from nine stories.
  • Congress of Industrial Organizations

    A union wanting to organize unskilled factory workers. They wanted political action and worked with radicals and African Americans.
  • American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations

    The merging of AFL and CIO. For quite some time they have worked to keep working conditions ideal for the American peopl.