Colony time line north carolina

  • Taxation w/o Repreentation

    great britian 1763 great britain was taxing every thing
  • Proclamiation of 1763

    king george is the founder in 1763 he wa declaring that the appalchin mt. was the boundry for the colonies he did it becaause end of the french and indian war the colonial responded angry because most of them bought land in the mtns and could not goto there land.
  • Sugar Act

    britsh parloment 1764 use they lowered taxses for molasis witch was imported by the colonist. step mogolins and increas taxses renuin the colonist was angry because and they protested.
  • Stamp Act

    It was founded by parolment, was a law place taxses on all printed items, britian was devolped and was also wanting power,the colonial response was very angry.
  • Quartering Act

    Parloment, for punishing in mayment of army, regreting and refusing to do there duty, there colonial response was mad/ angry
  • Delclaratory act

    Founded by parloment in 1766, regain power, they wanted there power back.
  • Townshend act

    They were founded by paoloment in 1767, they set taxtses on all imported goods, trying to make cotlonits happy, boycot went against it and stoped celling british goods.
  • Boston Massacre

    British and boston colonies march 5.1770, colonist that protested against britian british soldiers, soilders were acused of things,colonist was out raged and used it propoganda
  • Tea act

    parloment, colonist that protested against british soliders, tea was too be shipped to the colonist and sold cheaper, to so the east indian company would profet, they were angry cause they was endercutting vocal murchans.
  • Boston tea party

    Boston sons of iberty, the sons of liberty descized them selfs as 342, Because the citisons of boston refused to allow them to unload tea, citizons of boston selerprated the bravery of the sons of liberty
  • 1st Continental congress

    organinization that can respersent the american people, they wanted to regain there liberty from the british The colonist formed militaries.
  • Intolerable acts

    king goerge the third parloment , boston harbor was closed till the pay back the tea, cause king george wanted to punish boston for the tea party, cause they were band from the harbor.