7W-11 Franklin Expedition

By 7W-11
  • Franklin Sets Sail For NorthWest Passage

    Sailed from brittain with two ships the erebus and the terror 129 men but none returned.
  • 1 of jan John Torrington died

    JohnTorrington was a member of the crew and had died on january first at the age of 20 .
  • Period: to

    In 1859 some clues turned up on king william island

    franklins crew had left two notes dating from 1847 and 1848 explaning that the ships had been trapped in ice and that 24 men including franklin. And the 105 survivors dicided to walk south
  • researchers found three graves on beechey island

  • beattie had collected bone samples from one of the franklins men on king william island

    beattie had mad an unexpected dicovery. test of on samples have reveals very high levels of lead.
  • Dr. Owen Beattie from the university of alberta led a team of researchers to beechy island

  • beattie and his research team set up a camp on beechy island were john torrington lay burried

    beattie and his research team set up  a camp on beechy island  were john torrington lay burried
    it took them three days to hack through the ice that covered john toringtons coffin
  • prim minister announced the finding of the erebus

    prim minister announced the finding of the erebus
  • Franklin expidition created

    Franklin expidition created