Great plains

Conflict on the Great Plains

  • Homestead act of 1862

    Homestead act of 1862
    The federal land policy took farmers to the great plains to earn ownership of land by settling on it. This is called homestead act. Daniel Freeman was scheduled to leave Nebraska Territory, to report for duty in St. Louis. At a New Year's Eve party the night before, Freeman met some local Land Office officials and convinced a clerk to open the office shortly after midnight in order to file a land claim.
  • Fetterman Massacre

    Fetterman Massacre
    Army troops were guarding a fort on the Bozeman trail, while a Sioux military leader acted as a decoy and tricked the forts commander into sending about 80 soldiers after them. hundereds of worriors were waiting in ambush and killed then entire detachment, this was known as the Fetterman Massacre
  • Treaty of Fort Laramie

    Treaty of Fort Laramie
    In the spring of 1868 a metting was held at Fort Laramie in Wyoming that they made a treaty with the Sioux. This treaty was to bring peace between the whites and the Sioux who agreed to live within the Black Hills reservation in the Dakota.
  • Battle of little big horn

    Battle of little big horn
    The battle of little big horn was a battle fought between the US army and the Sioux and Cheyenne warriors.
  • 1874 Discovery

    1874 Discovery
    Custer led a army to check on the rumors and confirmed that there was gold at the black hills. Sitting Buyy, a leader of the lakota sioux, refused to sell the hills.
  • Ghost Dance

    Ghost Dance
    The Sioux turned in 1890 to Wovoka witch is a prophet. They claimed the Sioux could regain there greatness if they preformed a dance called the Ghost Dance
  • Wounded Knee

    Wounded Knee
    The wounded knee was a creek that the Sioux gathered at after the death of there Cheif, Sitting Bull.