Pregnancy Development Month by Month.

  • month 1

    missed period.
    other signs may not be noticable.
  • Period: to

    nine months of pregnancy.

  • month 2

    baby continues to develop internal organs and other major body structures of the body.
  • month 3.

    breasts become fuller and firmer. may ache.
  • month 4.

    nipples may harden.
    baby may be able to hear sounds.
  • month 5.

    the vernix caseosa starts forming on skin.
    moms may be feeling heartburn or indegestion.
  • month 6.

    baby weighs about two pounds.
    stretch marks may start to form on moms.
  • month 7.

    can taste and hear now.
    lungs preparing to breathe.
    moms have frequent urination.
  • month 8.

    baby weighs about five pounds.
    it can blink.
    moms feels pelvic pressure.
  • month 9.

    downy hairs are being shed.
    vernix is wearing off skin.
    breasts may be swelling from milk.