
Unit 2: Revolution

  • Boston Massacre.

    Boston Massacre.
    Five colonists were shot by British soldiers in the streets of Boston. The soldiers resorted to firing their guns after being pelted with snowballs and rocks and such by the colonists.
  • Boston Tea Party.

    Boston Tea Party.
    Angry townspeople of Boston dumped 342 chests of tea from British import ships into the Boston Harbor. This cost the British millions of dollars.
  • Battle of Lexington & Concord.

    Battle of Lexington & Concord.
    This was the battle that started the Revolutionary War. The Americans ambushed the British in Concord with the purpose of stalling them on their mission to dispose of illegal weapons the Americans were hiding. No one knows who fired the first shot here, but it was known as "The Shot Heard Around the World".
  • Battle of Bunker Hill.

    Battle of Bunker Hill.
    This battle started because the American Continental Army wanted to drive the British out of Boston. Technically, the British were victorious, but the Americans killed so many British troops that most question whether the victory was worth it for the British.
  • Declaration of Independence Signing.

    Declaration of Independence Signing.
    The Declaration was signed on this day. The Declaration was signed because the colonists wanted freedom from Britain.
  • Battle of New York.

    Battle of New York.
    The British succeeded in claiming New York. They used the city as a base for the remainder of the Revolutionary War.
  • Battle of Trenton.

    Battle of Trenton.
    The Americans surrounded the British overnight after their Christmas celebrations and surprised them the next morning. Washington's army ended up taking over 900 Hessians prisoner following the battle.
  • Battle of Princeton.

    Battle of Princeton.
    This is an example of one of the battles that General Washingtion's army had to win. During the battle, a lot of the soldiers fled the scence without orders to retreat. Washington rode his horse up to the battle and ordered the soldiers to keep fighting. The Americans were victorious.
  • Battle of Saratoga.

    Battle of Saratoga.
    This battle marked a major turning point in the war. The Americans' victory over the British ended William Howe's plan to split the colonies.
  • Valley Forge.

    Valley Forge.
    Valley Forge was a training camp for the American army. It took place during the winter of 1777 and 1778. Harsh conditions caused over 2,000 deaths during the time of the camp.
  • Battle of Yorktown.

    Battle of Yorktown.
    This is the last battle of the Revolutionary War. Cornwallis surrenders to Washington after being surrounded from three directions with no way of escape. His surrender confirmed that the Americans had won the war.
  • Treaty of Paris.

    Treaty of Paris.
    The signing of the Treaty of Paris officially ended the Revolutionary War. The United States of America was declared a free country.