Jan 1, 1000
First book
The first book was invented in 2400BC -
Jan 1, 1568
The First Camera
this enabled them to show on paper a picture witch could be traced by handto give accurate drawings -
The First type writer
It was called the "Sholes & Glidden Type Writer," and it was produced by the gunmakers E. Remington & Sons in Ilion, NY from 1874-1878. It was not a great success (not more than 5,000 were sold), but it founded a worldwide industry, and it brought mechanization to dreary, time-consuming office work. -
The First Telephone
The Telephone was invented my alexander Graham Bell -
The First Gramophone (Record Player)
The first invention that could play music with out insterments -
Wireless Telegraphy
Guglielmo was the first one to invent any type of radio in 1895and on December 12,1901 Marconi recevied the first signals from across the ocean -
First Televison
Edwub Belin Managed to invent photos through wire and turned into a visual picture on a screen -
James Russell invented the CD and did not becoem popular untill mas manufactured by phillips -
First Cellphone invented
Doctor Martin Cooper sucsessfuly invented the cellphone and the technology responsible for the cellphone -
First MP3-Player
There was no Key person taht invented this product Fraunhofer-Gesellshaft was a German company -
First Computer
Charles Babbage was the frist one to invent a computer -
One Of The First Religions
The origins of Hinduism can be traced to the Indus Valley civilization sometime between 4000 and 2500 BCE. Though believed by many to be a polytheistic religion, the basis of Hinduism is the belief in the unity of everything. -
First iPod Invented
There was a team of 6 people that invented the iPod in 2001 it took inventers and designers to a year to create this product -
First Bible in the time
The Bible was not written in one specific year or in a single location. The Bible is a collection of writings, and the earliest ones were set down nearly 3500 years ago. The Bible Was Writin in 1500-1300BC -
The First Sheet Of Paper
T'sai Lun invetedpaper in 50 BC