
  • 1270


    Who Was Marco Polo ? Well he was merchant and he always had a goal even his dad, and his uncle all had the same goal which was to meet the Mongol emperor of China when the polo family reached the khan court, the emperor was amazed by the stories that Marco Polo told his travels and after the visit to China he want back home and write a story of his adventure.
  • 1300


    During the Middle Ages, Italy remained a collection of state many which were independent city state of Italy did not want emperor and kings to rule them. Which the Catholic Church did not want a powerful emperor or king to control the pope.
  • 1300


    The birthplace of the renaissance was Italy, the heart of the old Roman Empire. The ruins and statues were familiar to Italians because of this, Italians readily turned to ancient example to inspire them in their own artistic efforts.
  • 1300

    AD 1300

    AD 1300
    During the Black Death there was guy that write a book called the divine comedy. It is known as one of the worlds greatest pomes. Written in vanacular, it tell of person’s journey from hell to heaven.
  • 1350


    black death, eased people that came more confident about the future . And their interest in learning,and arts as well their new interest in culture is called renaissance from the french word for ''rebirth''
  • 1436

    AD 1436

    AD 1436
    The city of Florence was the first major center of the renaissance is wealthy and central location attended many artists, sculptors, writers, and architects Florence lay on the banks of the arno river in central Italy. The city was surrounded by wall with tall towers for defense. And this was all complete/done at AD 1436