top ten events leading to American Independance

  • patric henrys "if this be treason" speech

    patric henrys "if this be treason" speech
    patric henrys bacisly said that if going agiasnt britain that he still would becuase when we stated "give me liberty or give me death" he sayd that he would die to get liberty for america
  • the townshed acts

    the townshed acts
    when the townshed acts where put in place the colonist got mad just like they did before with the suger and stampo acts and they eventually had britian repeal them
  • bostin massacre

    bostin massacre
    people still debate over who shot first and at this point in time the birtish were blamed for the massacre that only killed 5 people and british was given so much trouble over something that could not be proiven by either side
  • boston tea party

    boston tea party
    the colonist did this and it made the british mad and it was there last straw the colonist would pull just to try and get a tax taken away
  • the continental congress

    the continental congress
    this was a group of men coming together in secret so that people could not call them on treason to get the talrable acts repealed
  • the famous ride of pual revere

    the famous ride of pual revere
    he made sure the troops were ready when he made his famouse midnight ride and that way they were able to defeat the british when they arived the next morning
  • battles of lexington and concord

    battles of lexington and concord
    these were the first shots fired between america and britian and it was the first battles to start the change in makeing america indepndant
  • second continental congress

    second continental congress
    the people from the first coninental congress came together again to help find ways tyo get the troops back together and organized becuase the troops were all over the place.
  • battle at bunker hill

    battle at bunker hill
    this was the battle that changed the tides of the war into the americans hands
  • thomsa pain's "common sence"

    thomsa pain's "common sence"
    thomas's pamphlets helped to rally the people and the troop to keep fighting the war