
  • House of Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)

    House of Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)
    Committee created by Congress to investigate people suspected of unpatriotic behavior, they would try and uncover people trying to overthrow the governemment.
  • Alien Registration Act

    Made it illegal for anyone in the US to advocate, abet, or teach the dirability of overthrowing the government. It required all alien residents in the US over 14 to file a comprehensive statement of their personal and occupational status and a record of their political beliefs. Within 4 months, 4,741,971 registered.
  • Hollywood and Motion Pictures

    Hollywood and Motion Pictures
    HUAC began to investigate Hollywood. They interviewed 41 "friendly witnesses." During interviews, they named 19 people with left-wing views.
  • Hollywood Ten

    Hollywood Ten
    Herbert biberman, Lester Cole, Albert Maltz, Adrian Scott, Smauel Ornitz, Dalton Trumbo, Edward Dmytryk, Ring Lardner Jr., John Howard Lawson, and Alvah Bessie. All refused to answer questions and claimed the 1st Amendment of Constitution as defense. All found guilty of contempt of Congress and sentenced to prison.
  • American Communist Party

    American Communist Party
    Congress arrested leaders of the Amerincan Communit Party who were in violation of the Alien Registration Act. 11 members were convicted.
  • McCarthy's information

    McCarthy's information
    McCarthy was friends with J. Edgar Hoover, at the time the head of the FBI. The FBI was supplying McCarthy all of his information.
  • Joseph McCarthy

    Joseph McCarthy
    Senator from Wisconsin made a speech claiming 205 in the State Department were known members of the A.C.P. This list was originally published in 1946 during preliminary screening, and included communists, fascists, alcoholics, and sexual deviants. If screened, McCarthy would have been on the list as well.
  • Red Channels

    Red Channels
    Three former FBI agents and a right-wing TV producer, Vincent Harnett, published the Red Channels. It was published list of 151 writers, directors, and performers who had been members of subversive organisations before WWII. A free copy was sent to those involved in employing people in the entertainment industry. All 151 people were blacklisted and appeared before HUAC
  • Dmytryk Spilled the Beans

    Dmytryk Spilled the Beans
    Dmytryk testified before HUAC that he was under pressure by three others from the Hollywood 10 to produce leftist films. As a result, over 300 people were blacklisted. Including, Charlie Chaplin, Arthur Miller, Dorothy Parker, Orson Welles, Richard Wright, and Abraham Polonsky.
  • Stevenson vs. Eisenhower

    Stevenson vs. Eisenhower
    1952 Election CampaignMcCarthy's trials of various governmental departments, all being televised, fueled the fire of anti-communist sentiment and anti-democratic or liberal views. Thus, in 1952, Eisenhower's Republican campaign won the election.
  • Nixon

    Eisenhower, tired of McCarthy's zeal, instructed Richard Nixon, the Vice-President, to make a speech condeming McCarthy, saying, "Men who have in the past don effective work exposing Communists in this country have, by reckless talk and questionable methods, made themselves the issue rather than the cause they believe in so deeply."