Lat lng grid

VLE challenges

  • Mt St Helen's

    Mt St Helen's
    Mt. St. Helen's National Volcanic MonumentMt. St. Helen's is a volcano which erupted in 1980. Our groups is are making an evacuation plan proposal for people who visit. So if there is another eruption they can safely and quickly be evacuated.
  • Challenge 1

    Today we partook in challenge 1 in the VLE, we gathered data such as fuel consumption, distances from each pitstop, distances to the center of the volcano, and latitudes and longitudes of each pitstop.
  • Challenge 2

    During challenge 2 our group flew around Mt. St. Helen's surveying the land and finding out more about each area and it's relation to the volcano and how it was effected in previous eruptions.
  • Latitudes and Longitudes

    Latitudes and Longitudes
    We as a class learned about latitudes and longitudes and how they may effect our feelings about each shelter and it's nearness to the volcano.
  • challenge 3

    challenge 3
    In challenge 3 we created a safe flight path from each of our shelters around Mt. St. Helen's so that when planes were rescuing people from each shelter there would be no problems wiht air traffic.