3.03 Timeline! :D

  • The United States Constitution

    The Constitution of the United States created a form of government known as federalism. The national and state governments each has specific powers and functions while also sharing some of the same powers. The Constitution made the agreement and any laws passed under the Constitution, the supreme law of the land. Three separate branches were created, the legislative, executive, and judicial.
  • Period: to

    The 3.03 Lesson line

  • The Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise allowed Missouri a slave state,and Maine a free state,in together thereby maintaing equality between the two sides. It was an agreement between the pro-slavery and anti-slavery factions in the United States Congress.
  • The Compromise of 1850

    A series of bills that tried to alleviate slavery in the US. The things it did were it made CA a state, in new mexico and utah, people would pick whether the states would be free or slave. also knows as popular sovereignty, texas gave up land and got 10 million to pay its debt to mexico, slavery was abolished in DC.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Created the territories of Kansas and Nebraska, opened new lands, repealed the Missouri Compromise of 1820, and allowed settlers in those territories to determine if they would allow slavery within their boundaries. The initial purpose of the Kansas–Nebraska Act was to create opportunities for a Mideastern Transcontinental Railroad. It became problematic when popular sovereignty was written into the proposal.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    a series of violent events, involving anti-slavery, Free-Staters, and pro-slavery "Border Ruffian" elements, that took place in the Kansas Territory and the western frontier towns of the U.S. state of Missouri roughly between 1854 and 1858. Tensions increased between the north and south causing small wars leading up to secession and the civil war
  • The Dred Scott Decision

    This case was based on the fact that Dred Scott and his wife Harriet Scott were slaves, but he followed his master Dr. John Emerson and had lived in states and territories where slavery was illegal according to the state laws and the Northwest Ordinance of 1787, including Illinois and Minnesota.
  • Lincoln-Douglas Debates

    A type of American high school one-on-one debate practiced in National Forensic League competitions, and widely used in related debate leagues such as the National Catholic Forensic League, National Educational Debate Association, the National Christian Forensics and Communication Association, the UIL, and their affiliated regional organizations.
  • John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry

    was an attempt by white abolitionist John Brown to start an armed slave revolt by seizing a United States Arsenal at Harpers Ferry in Virginia in 1859. Brown's raid was defeated by a detachment of U.S. Marines led by Col. Robert E. Lee. John Brown had originally asked Harriet Tubman to join him when he attacked the armory, but on the night of the raid she was ill, and therefore did not show up.
  • Election of 1860

    The election of 1860 included the following candidates: Abraham Lincoln John Bell John Breckenrige Stephen Douglas The election of 1860 was mostly over the controversial issue of slavery. Abraham Lincoln won a bitter election
  • The Emancipation Proclamation

    The Emancipation Proclamation fed many slaves. It declared that any slaves held in areas currently under control of the Confederates were free. Since the Confederate States did not consider themselves as part of the United States. It did say to free slaves in Confederate states, but it also committed the Union to end slavery, so that the Confederate states could not get any help from any other countries, and did not make the Union look bad.