350 bc
Aristotle describes image projection in terms of the camera obscura. -
Jan 1, 600
600 bc
Mesopotamia's predominant art form of bas-relief sculpture. These elaborate wall carvings depict scene after scene of the king's military exploits. An early form of storyboardin -
Jan 1, 1250
1250 bc
even befor moving pictures was invented animation still existed -
Jan 1, 1250
1250 AD
Leon Battista Alberti invents the forerunner of the camera obscura. -
Jan 1, 1350
1350 AD
The beginning of the legend of Robin Hood. -
Jan 1, 1517
1517 AD
Coffee made from South American beans is drunk in Europe for the first time. When it is eventually exported to North America it helps to drive the animation industry further into the nights. -
Jan 1, 1565
1565 AD
The first pencil with graphite lead and a wooden cover is designed in Switzerland. -
1637 AD
Galileo Galilei, a brilliant Italian matematician, astronomer and physicist, discovers how the pendulum works. The pendulum swing is one of the primary animation assignments in most animation schools today. -
1752 AD
Benjamin Franklin announces his most important invention, the lightning conductor, which proves the existance of electricity, which we now use to power our animation light tables and electric pencil sharpeners, by golly! -
1774 AD
The 1st newspaper cartoon. In his Pennsylvainia Gazette, Ben Franklin prints a drawing of a segmented snake representing the colonies, with the caption: “Join or Die”. -
1832 AD
Joseph Antoine Ferdinand Plateau (1801-1883) invents the phenakistoscope ("spindle viewer") (also called a fantoscope or phantasmascope). A large disc with a series of drawings around the circumference is attached on a spindle to another disc made of metal with slots in it. Both are made to rotate. When the drawings are viewed through the slots in the metal disc they appear to move -
1841 AD
Punch Magazine, a magazine that featured satirical articles and cartoons makes it"s debut. The magazine quickly gains a reputation as "a defender of the oppressed and a radical scorge of all authority." with it"s viciousl ridicule politicians and business men who exploited poor. Punch Magazine is obviously a forerunner to some of todays humor magazines like Mad Magazine, National Lampoon, & Spy. -
1868 AD
The Kineograph is invented A.K.A. The “Flipbook” It is used as giveaway advertisements and merchandise bonuses.