Confucianism ,Daoism and Legalism in China

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    According to traditions, the wise man, of Daoism was Laozi. Some men think he was a real man while others think he is just legend. He is said to be the author of the Dao De Jing which preached a return to a simple and natural way of living. Daoism was based on the Chinese idea of Dao, or the way. To Daosits, naure is full of opposites, and true harmony comes from balancing the opposite forces of nature, called yin and yang.
  • 551


    is based on teachings of Kongfuzi, who is called Confucius by westerners. Confucius lived from 551 to 479 b.c.e. he was born on the small state of Lu in estern China. He thought that society worcked well when all people acted properly based upon thier roles adn relationships with others. According to him there are 5 basic relationships.
  • Legalism

    Legalism is based on the idea that most people are naturally selfish. Rulers should establish strict laws and enforce them with rewards for good behavior and harsh punishments for bad behavior. Rulers had absoulte power backed up by military night in order not to be overthrown.