
  • HUAC formed

    HUAC formed
    HUAC is formed to keep track of people who were thought to be a threat to the nation
  • U.N formation

    U.N formation
    organized to promote world peace
  • Yalta conference

    Yalta conference
    Strategy meeting between Roosevelt Stalin and Churchhill
  • Potsdam Conference

    Potsdam Conference
    meeting of United states, Britain, and Soviet Unioon at the end of world war 2
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    President Trumans promise to help struggling nations against communism
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    foreign policy that offered economic aid to western european countries ofter world war 2
  • Berlin airlift

    Berlin airlift
    program where U.S and British pilots flew in supplies to west berlin during soviet blockade
  • NATO formation

    NATO formation
    U.S, U.K, France, Canada, Denmark, Iceland, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg joined the North atlantic treaty organization to avoid attack
  • Era of McCarthyism

    Era of McCarthyism
    Joseph McCarthy was a U.S senator that was trying to claim many people were communist
  • North korean invades south korea

    North korean invades south korea
    north korea invades south korea on june 25 1950
  • Rosenberg execution

    Rosenberg execution
    Rosenbergs are soviet spies that are sentenced to death for espionage
  • armistice signed ending the korean war

    armistice signed ending the korean war
    americans south koreans and (communist) north koreans sign ceasefire
  • Warsaw pact formation

    Warsaw pact formation
    military alliance of soviet Union and its satellite states Soviet Unions response to NATO
  • sputnik 1 is launched

    sputnik 1 is launched
    Soviet Union launches sattellite with a transmitter into orbit
  • first man in space space

    first man in space space
    Soviet Union cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin is first man in space
  • First American in space

    First American in space
    Alan T. Sheppard is the first American in space
  • berlin wall is created

    berlin wall is created
    the berlin wall is created to keep east german residents from leaving
  • first man on the moon

    first man on the moon
    Apollo 11 lands on the moon neil armstrong is the first man on the moon