German History from 1919-1933

  • End of World War 1

    The leaders of the former Allied powers got together to sign the Paris Press Conference.
  • Treaty of Versailes

    The German delegation was presented with a draft of the treaty opf versailes and bore little resemblance to the Wilson Plan.
  • Hilter joined german Workers' party

  • The League Of Nations

    The League of Nations was officially established. It was an organisation as an expression of the world's hopes and determination to prevent another world war.
  • The Kapp Rebellion

    The free Corps tried to overthrow the government to stop it from disbanding army units. 5000 Freikorps nenbers, led by Wolfgang Kapp, marched into Berlin.
  • Hitler jailed

  • Aid to Germany

    Germnay could not pey reparations to France, thus French and Belgium troops occupied Germany's industrial heartland and took coal, iron and other resources from that area as payment.
  • The Dawes Plan

    The USA loaned Germany 800 million gold marks which Germany used to end hyperinflation and pay reparations.
  • Period: to

    The Locarno Pact

    In 1925, Germany and the former Allied powers signed The Locarno Pact which Germany proposed. Germany agreed to repect new Western boundaries as determined by the TOV.
  • The Young Plan

    The USA continued to offer assistance to speed up Germany's recovery. The amount of reparations was reduced to one third of the orginal sum and repayment was also extended to 59 years.
  • The Great Depression

  • Hitlter appointed as Chancellor