Lost and found

  • robbery

    A man takes a innocent woma's purse
  • escaped

    Man that stole purse escapes from jail and takes revenge on lady.
    GEts lady scked by telling boss lies that made hinm sack her
  • Major runaway

    Man is found but runs away from cops
  • caught by chance

    Policemen sees man and sneaks behindn him.
    The man sees that a policeman is behind him and makes a run for it.
    trips over a bump on the road and is handcuffed by police
  • Back at last

    The purse is finally found and given back to woman
  • Lady gets a job

    Lady becomes police officer
  • everything is ok

    The man is made to serve the community and never be a thief.
    The man never stole again and the lady did good at her job so good that she was promoted.