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    weak 4-5

    The basic structure of the body is formed. Begin the development of the eyes, the ears, the mouth and the nose. The buds that will give rise to the arms and legs are observed. The cardiac prominence is very visible. The cerebral vesicles develop.
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    week 6-7

    The development of the trachea, larynx and bronchi progresses. The oral and nasal cavity begin to separate, the palate is formed. They develop more legs and arms that look like fins.
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    week 8

    Towards the end of this week, the body will be formed, as well as all its organs and the embryonic period will end. It will stop being an embryo to become a fetus. In this week, the fingers and toes grow. The head is disproportionately large and constitutes half of the embryo. The neck region has formed. Its growth in the uterus is facilitated by having a very flexible body; his skeleton has no bones, but cartilages.
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    Week 9 fetal period

    The fetal period begins, which ends until birth. Begin to differentiate primary sexual characteristics, determined by the combination of chromosomes, inherited at the time of fertilization. The bones begin to form, as well as the tongue. The eyes are still closed. The intestines are in the umbilical cord.
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    weeks 10-11

    weeks 10-11
    The intestines move towards the abdomen and undergo a rotating movement that places them in their correct anatomical position. The fingers of their hands and feet have been defined. During these weeks, the development of the nails begins. In this phase, the liver is the main blood-producing organ.
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    week 12

    week 12
    Here, the sexual organs have been formed and sex can be recognized. Towards the end of this week, the fetus begins to produce and excrete urine into the amniotic fluid. The pancreas starts the production of insulin. He already has chin ears and eyelids. Your skin is very thin and transparent. Start moving your limbs.
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    week 13-14

    t is possible to appreciate its human aspect. the ears are in their final position and the thin eyelids will remain closed until the seventh month.
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    week 13-14

    it is possible to appreciate its human aspect. the ears are in their final position and the thin eyelids will remain closed until the seventh month.
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    week 15-16

    The growth is very fast. the vocal cords begin to form. The sense of touch begins to develop. He is able to separate the toes, to flex the wrists and to close the fists, he can even turn his head and open his mouth. In this period, it increases its number of reflexes and is able to stimulate and swallow. The legs are longer than the arms and their limbs move frequently.
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    week 17-20

    Su piel está cubierta por un material grasoso y por una fina pelusa llamada lanugo, que lo proteje del líquido amniótico y de posibles rozaduras. Se forma la grasa en zonas cercanas al cuello, detrás del esternón y alrededor del riñón. Este tejido graso le permite generar calor. Al final de este periodo, en el feto femenino, comienza la formación del conducto vaginal y en el masculino, se inicia el descenso de los testículos del abdomen a la bolsa escrotal. Empieza a formar un cabello fino.
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    week 21-22

    week 21-22
    The fetuses are considered viable, when they are able to live outside the maternal organism. Before 22 weeks they usually are not, because their organs have not reached the physiological maturity necessary to have life independently. Length and weight are the parameters most used to calculate fetal age, however, other external characteristics must be taken into account.
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    21 to 25

    His body is still covered with lanugo and his skin is wrinkled. She already has eyelashes and although her eyes remain closed, the iris acquires its color. Start having an outline of teeth. The lungs have the ability to expand, so the fetus could breathe outside the uterus, in case of premature birth.
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    Your nervous system is able to control respiratory movements and temperature. Your movements are more active. Your stomach, intestines and kidneys work perfectly. All your sensory organs are awake. The eyelids and eyes are fully formed and begin to open and close. Begin to perceive the sounds. Intense noises increase your heart rate. He has hiccups.
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    30 to 38

    30 to 38
    t is already in the right position for the moment of delivery, in most cases it is with the head down and the buttocks up. Your skull is not yet fully solid, as it needs to pass through the birth canal. Slide your thumb inside your mouth and practice the reflection of the suction. At the end of this period, the baby can reach a size of up to 50 cm and an average weight of 3 kg. Towards the end of week 38, the baby is able to be born.
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    week 26 to 29

    Your nervous system is able to control respiratory movements and temperature. Your movements are more active. Your stomach, intestines and kidneys work perfectly. All your sensory organs are awake. The eyelids and eyes are fully formed and begin to open and close. Begin to perceive the sounds. Intense noises increase your heart rate. He has hiccups.
  • week 1

    During the first week, fertilization occurs, the union of the fememnine cell with the male cell. Each one has 23 chromosomes, together they create a cell of 46 chromosomes that will travel from the middle third of the fallopian tube to the uterus, where it will be implanted to begin its development.
  • week 2

    week 2
    In this week the implantation of the human embryo has been completed. Its growth will be very fast from this moment. The embryo appears at the center, like a bilaminar disc and is between 2 cavities, the amnion and the yolk sac. On the outside, we find the trophoblast that is going to form the fetal part of the placenta.
  • Week 3 Embryonic stage

    The nervous system begins its formation during the third week, when the embryo is formed by three layers of cells: The upper layer, ectoderm from where the brain will develop and several regions of the central nervous system, as well as the epidermis, the glands of the skin, nails and hair.