4.4 The Impact of Risk, Regulations and Influence

  • Health Risks and Behaviors

    " Adolescents are testing their independence, forming their identities, expanding their social lives and experimenting with new behaviors"(Mental Emotional And Social Health pg2). If kids choose to participate in a risk behavior such as substance use, eating disorders, sleep deprivation, ect. When adolescents do these behaviors, they are more likely to do them more often and this becomes an unhealthy behavior.
  • How to help someone make a good choice

    It is important to "talk openly with teens about avoiding unsafe health practices and instead choosing healthy behaviors" (Mental Emotional and Social Health pg3). When confronting someone about a risk behavior, you have to make sure you aren't offending them. You have to confront why their behavior is wrong and how the right behavior will benefit them more.
  • My Situation

    I noticed, last year, that my friend was really slacking off on her school work, and it was greatly showing in her grades. I sat down with her and asked her if she was stressed at all. She denied it and she admitted that she was lazy. I explained why it was important to put in effort, and I than helped her try to catch up on her school work. When she got her grades back up she finally realized how low they had really gotten.
  • Public Health Policies and Gov. Regulation

    The health of adolescents is very important to our future; therefor, public health policies are put in place. "Many teens rely on vending machine snacks, fast food and on-the-go sugary sports drinks or
    sodas for fuel during the day" (Mental Emotional and Social Health pg2). The government has put acts into place about healthy school food, and public policies make sure that kids are being fed properly.