American History

  • Jan 7, 1298

    "The Travles of Marco Polo"

    "The Travles of Marco Polo"
  • Jan 7, 1324

    Marco Polo died

    Marco Polo died
    He died at the age of sixty-nine years old
  • Period: Jan 1, 1400 to

    The Renaissance

  • Jan 1, 1448

    Invention of the printing press

    Invention of the printing press
  • Jan 11, 1451

    Christopher Columbus is born

    Christopher Columbus is born
  • Jan 11, 1473

    Christopher Columbus began his apprenticeship

  • Jan 11, 1476

    Columbus joined armed convoy

  • Aug 3, 1492

    First voyage

  • Oct 12, 1492

    Land was spotted at 2 am

  • May 20, 1506

    Chistopher Columbus dies

    Chistopher Columbus dies
  • British are taking French fortresses in Quebec under the general Wolfe

  • Spain joined sides with France against England

  • indians under the control of Pontiac were driving British back to gain their land back

  • Americans think of them selves as a different country

  • Parliament passed the Tea Act

    made it so they could only by tea from British East Indian Tea Company
  • Judiciary Act of 1789 was passed

  • Napoleon sold Louisiana Purches to Thomas Jefferson

  • Thomas Jefferson and John Adams run for president

  • Louisianna Purchase

    Napolian agreed to sell the Louisianna Purchase, and New Orleans, to the United States for $15 million.
  • War between France and England has reached a tie

  • The Embargo Act of 1807 was passed to keep American ships from being impressed

  • France and England war hit all time high

    America was brought into the war because the British ship Leopard stopped our ship called Chesapeake
  • New law

    A new law was passed that we can trade with any other country that was not England
  • war of 1812

    The war was basicly the Second war of independece. It just proved that we were supposed to be our own country and run our selves
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri joined in to the states but missouri would be the only "free state" that allows slavery
  • Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise is being writing and it states that other than Missouri slavery was not aloud in any of the Lousianna territory
  • Monroe Doctrine

    James Monroe basicly said that Eroup could not conlinize in the United states, they could not compromice about serten things that will/might happen
  • Election of 1824 "Corrupt Bargain"

    The Election of 1824 was known as the Corrupt Bargain. The four main men running for the election were John Quincy Adams, Henry Clay, Andrew Jackson, and William H. Crawford. Clay came in last with only 37 votes and Crawford was next with 41. Adams was second with 84 votes and Jackson had 99 votes.
  • Trail of Tears

    The Indians were forced to move from their original land to the land that the United States has set aside just for them. the walk was long and full of sorrow and pain. The Indians lost a lot of people on the travles to the new lands.
  • Battle of the Alamo

    This battle was a total of thirteen days long so it started on Febuary 23, 1836 and ended on March 6, 1836. Davie Crockett was a congressman and James Bowie was an entrepreneur and they were the more famouse people that are remembered in the Battle of the Alamo. William Barret Travis was the commander of the Alamo.
  • Annexation of Texas

    Texas wanted to be a state in the union and the senate denied them. Some people did not want Texas to join the Union. The only way Texas could join was if they changed their name from The Republice of Texas to The State of Texas. Also they had to have their government a republican government.
  • Lincoln Douglas Debates

    At the time both, Stephen A. Douglas and Abraham Lincoln, were running for the Senate of Illinois. What they were doing was just arguing on who would do what and how they would do it. Lincoln made a statement saying, "The United States could not continue with half free-states and the other half slave-states.
  • Publishing of The Slave States of America

  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott took Dr. John Emerson, who was a military surgon, to court to make a claim on his freedom,