2nd Hour, Abigail Fowler, Important Dates of Ecuador

  • 1509

    The Spanish colonized the area of Nueva Granada (modern Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Venezuela).

    The Spanish colonized the area of Nueva Granada (modern Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Venezuela).
  • Dec 6, 1534

    Quito, Ecuador, was founded by Spanish.

    Quito, Ecuador, was founded by Spanish.
  • Mar 10, 1535

    Bishop Tomas de Berlanga discovered the Galapagos Islands.

    Bishop Tomas de Berlanga discovered the Galapagos Islands.
  • Earthquake in Quito, Ecuador, some killed 40,000 people. Riobamba was destroyed.

    Earthquake in Quito, Ecuador, some killed 40,000 people. Riobamba was destroyed.
  • Ecuador struck its first blow for independence from Spain.

    Ecuador struck its first blow for independence from Spain.
  • A magnitude 8.8 quake off the coast of Ecuador and Colombia. It generated a tsunami that killed at least 500 people.

    A magnitude 8.8 quake off the coast of Ecuador and Colombia. It generated a tsunami that killed at least 500 people.
  • Ecuador became independent.

    Ecuador became independent.
  • The U.S. signed a military aid pact with Ecuador.

    The U.S. signed a military aid pact with Ecuador.
  • Ecuador turned 97% of the Galapagos Islands into a national park.

    Ecuador turned 97% of the Galapagos Islands into a national park.
  • Ecuador’s population was estimated at 4.1 million.

    Ecuador’s population was estimated at 4.1 million.