2ND GENERATION ( 1959-1964 ) Nº33

  • Period: to

    How are the computers of the second generation?

    The second generation computers replaced vacuum valves with transitors. The communication with these new computers is through more advanced languages than the machine language, which are called "high level languages."
  • IBM 1401, first computer of 1959

    IBM 1401, first computer of 1959
    It was released to the market by his company IBM at 1959 and retired in 1971.
    Can be used as an independent system, with perforated card equipment
    It was also frequently used as an off-line peripheral controller in many large installations
    Throughout their time in the market, around 20,000 systems were manufactured, making the IBM 1401 one of IBM's most successful products.
  • Begins the HARDWARE in the Computers. And creation of IBM1620

    Begins the HARDWARE in the Computers. And creation of IBM1620
    The history of computer hardware beginning in 1960 is marked by the conversion from the vacuum tube to solid-state devices such as the transistor and later the integrated circuit. IBM1620: Based on transistors, originally with only a perforated paper tape, but was soon updated to punch cards. It proved to be a popular scientific computer and approximately 2000 units were sold. It used a magnetic core memory of more than 60,000 decimal digits.
  • First Computer Game at 1962

    First Computer Game at 1962
    The first computer game, called Spacewar! Was developed
    by Steve Russell with other students from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
    Consists of two armed spaceships called "the needle" and "the wedge" that try to destroy each other without falling by the gravitational force of a star. The ships fire missiles that are affected by the force field.
  • End of the Second Generation

    End of the Second Generation
    The appearance of the IBM 360 marks the beginning of the third generation of computers, in which printed circuit boards with multiple elementary components are replaced with integrated circuit boards.
  • First Magnetic Disk System of IBM.

     First Magnetic Disk System of IBM.
    IBM vendió por un valor de 1 230 000 dólares su primer sistema de disco magnético, el RAMAC. He used 50 61 cm metal discs, with 100 tracks per side. It could store 5 megabytes of data, at a cost of 10,000 USD per megabyte.