My Practice Timeline

By rochedi
  • FDR was born.

    Franklin Delano Roosevelt was born in Hyde Park, New York to James and Sara Roosevelt.
  • Harvard

    Franklin entered Harvard University.
  • Law Degree

    Law Degree
    Franklin entered the prestigious Columbia Law School to obtain a degee.
  • Marries

  • State Senator

  • Secretary of Navy

    Secretary of Navy
  • polio

    Stricken with polio and never can walk again without help.
  • New York

    Elected Governor of New York.
  • Empire State Building

    Construction begins on the Empire State Building in New York City.
  • famous song

    Most popular song of the year is "Tiptoe through the Tulips".
  • Al Capone

    Scarfact Capone reputed gangster from Chicago is jailed for income tax evasion.
  • Elected President of the United States

    Elected President of the United States
    Roosevelt was elected President of the United States.
  • Hilter

    Adolph Hilter becomes a dictator in Germany.
  • World War II

    The preivous day the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor, sinking many American ships and costing hundreds of American lives. Roosevelt declares war on Japan and thereby enters World War II.