Eliza's Timeline

  • Prenatal Development

    Eliza is conceived.
  • Birth

    This is Eliza's birthday. She is born on Monday September 14. It was Monday night football and her father did not want to take her mother to the hospital but he eventually did.
  • The First Two Years

    Biosocial Development: Eliza begins using motor functions. Proper nutrition is achived with breast feeding from her mother.
    Cognitive Development: Eliza is learning about the world with her senses. She is touching, feeling, hearing, and babbling.
    Psychosocial Development: Eliza is developing her personality from social referencing and temperment.
  • The Play Years

    Biosocial Development: Eliza has newly found motor skills.
    Cognitive Development: Eliza is introduced to puzzles and building blocks. This helps facilitate her cognitive development.
    Pyschosocial Development: As a preschooler, Eliza learns how to have relationships with other kids with play and interaction.
  • The School Years

    Biosocial Development: Eliza is growing with school and at this age, nutrition is important in her development.

    Cognitive Development: In school, Eliza is learning more and more. She is learning the English language and also learning Tagalog (National Philippines Language) at home. She is also able to understand moral reasoning.
    Pyschosocial Development: In her adult relationships, she learns basic social skills. With her peers she is learning about cooperation, competition, and friendship.
  • Adolescence

    Biosocial development: During these years, Eliza is going through the physical changes of puberty. These include a change in her physical appearance and social pressures from her peers.
    Cognitive development: Eliza's thinking becomes more complex and she is developing more sophisitcated types of thinking and reasoning.
    Psychosocial development: Eliza is adpoting more adult roles such as getting her first job at the mall. She is discovering her identiy and how she fits in at school.
  • Emerging Adulthood

    Biosocial: Eliza is experiencing multi-directional changes with college and her new peers.

    Cognative: Eliza's brain is reaching maturation. She is making her own practical decisions about her life.

    Psychosocial: Eliza's personality is taking shape. She is figuring out who she is more and experiencing new things in college.
  • Middle Adulthood

    Biosocial: Eliza's health habits are quite well. Since she graduated with her Bachelor's in nutrition she leads a healthy life.

    Cognative: Eliza's intelligence has grown because of her work as a PA.

    Psychosocial: Eliza's family relationships are thriving. She has 2 children and a wonderful husband.
  • Late Adulthood

    Biosocial: Eliza is aging very well. She took care of her skin and body during her middle adulthood.

    Congitive: Eliza's memory is slipping but she is doing memory exercises such as crossword puzzles and playing Scrabble with her family to exercise her mind.

    Psychosocial: Eliza is keeping active with her walking group at the mall consisting of other older adults.
  • Death

    Eliza lived a long healthy life and she died peacefully in her sleep.