
Conflict on the Great Plains

  • Sand Creek Massacre

    Sand Creek Massacre
    it was one of the biggest american indian massacres of the indians wars. this all started duribg the civil war when the indians were attacking wagon trains,mining camps and stage coach lines when this stared to pick up more and more soilders died it stared to be a war called the colorado war of 1864-1865.
  • fetterman massacre

    fetterman massacre
    the sioux along with the cheyene and arpaho warriors, staged a series of attacks from 1865 to 1867. one of the worst battles was on december,21 1866.The army was at another fort on the bozeman trail,used by prospectors during earlier gold mining.
    A sioux leader so called "crazy horse" lead troops into a trap then he tricked the commander i nto sending 80 more troops into the battle while hundreds of warriors where waiting to ambush them and kill them all.
  • Battle of Little Bighorn

    Battle of Little Bighorn
    An 1868 treaty to bring happiness but it didn't last too long, so a few years later fighting started again. This arouse in the black hills of the dakotas and the govverment said that no one could go threw these hills. but rumor has it that there was alot of gold up there. in 1874 custer lead armed forces to check the rumors and confirmed that there was gold from the grass roots down.
  • 1874 Discovery

    1874 Discovery
    in 1874 custer led a group of men into the moutains too see if what ruors said that there was gold up there and they went up and they said that there was gpld from the grass roots down.
  • Treaty of Fort Laramie

    Treaty of Fort Laramie
    From what the sioux said ""This war was brought upon us by the children of the Great Father who came to take our land from us without price." as what they said to the fellow indians said.
    the indians all they wanted was to protct there land and all of the military wanted was therer land. The treaty was a settlement so that there was peace between the whites and the sioux indians.
  • Ghost Dance

    Ghost Dance
    the dawes act changed american indians life forever. it weakened their traditions and it was a law aimed to eliminate what americans regarded as a 2 weaknesses of native american life. it dawed to break up native american reservations and to end identifaction with the tribes.
  • Wounded Knee

    Wounded Knee
    Several hundred lakota sioux fled in fear after siitngs bulls death. they all gathered a a creek called wounded knee for a cerimonie On December 29,1890 the army went to the sioux and took al of there weapons. No one knows how but when the army heard a gun thot they started shhoting the sioux and killed more than 200 sioux and 25 army soilders were killed also.