
Conflict on the Great Plains

  • Sand Creek Massacre

    Sand Creek Massacre
    Taking place in Colorado, involving the Cheyenne Indians and the U.S. Army. The U.S. killed up to 150 Cheyenne Indians and the calvary only lost around 9 soldiers. The U.S. was victorious.
  • Fetterman Massacre

    Fetterman Massacre
    Fought in Montana involving the Sioux Indians and the U.S. Army. Crazy Horse acted as a decoy and set up a trap. The Sioux trap worked and they won the battle. This was sigificant for the Sioux Indians to get a victory.
  • Treaty of Fort Laramie

    Treaty of Fort Laramie
    This treaty was held in Wyoming in 1868. The Sioux Indians agreed to the treaty and were moved to the Black Hills reservation in the Dakota Territory.
  • 1874 Discovery

    1874 Discovery
    It was rumored that the Black Hills in Dakota Territory were full of gold so Custer led an army to the Black Hills to discover that the rumor was true.
  • Battle of Little Bighorn

    Battle of Little Bighorn
    In present day Montana, Colonel George Custer and his troop fought the thousands of Sioux and Cheyenne Indians. Custer and his entire troop were wiped out.
  • Ghost Dance

    Ghost Dance
    A ritual peformed by the Sioux Indians to express culture that was being destroyed. Reservation officials were sent to stop the ritual and Sitting Bull was shot and killed in the process.
  • Battle of Wounded Knee

    Battle of Wounded Knee
    The U.S. Army went to Wounded Knee River to collect Sioux weapons and fighting began. 200 Sioux and 25 soldiers were killed. This marked the end of armed conflict between soldiers and indians. The Native Americans had lost the war.