Philip Fryer's Educational Timeline

By philip
  • Education Act 1944

    Education Act 1944
    Also known as the "butler act" it replaced all previous educational acts.

    It evolved the establishing of the three stages of education, primary, secondary and further education. It stated that education was,
    • Free and compulsory to 15
    • Free education to 18 Eleven plus exams were introduced.
  • Education Act continued

    "it shall be the duty of the local education authority for every area, so far as their powers extend, to continue towards the spiritual, mental and physical developments of the community" (1944 Education Act Part II, 7) The act didn’t state how to organise this but left it to the local authority to take control, most of which intended to utilise the Norwood report. In which recommendations were made of separation based on age, ability and aptitude.
  • Introduction of the General Certificate of Education (GCE)

    Introduction of the General Certificate of Education (GCE)
    O Levels and A Levels were introduced
  • The Crowther Report

    Recomended that the school leaver age should rise to 16. The report recognised that sixth form was generally interested in directing student to progress to university. It focused on the amount of student receiving minimum benifit in the way of progression to other education or training.
  • CSE introduced

    Certificate of Secondary Education
  • The Plowden Report

    The Plowden Report
    Every child is an individual, developing at their own rate in 3 areas,
    Emotional It also puts emphasis on how the enviroment in which children learn effects the learning taking place.
  • School leaving age raised to 16

  • Sex Dicrimination Act

    Sex Dicrimination Act
  • Race Relations Act

    Race Relations Act
  • Margaret Thatcher

    Margaret Thatcher
    Prime Minister
    Conservative Party
    1979 - 1990
  • I was born

  • Trialling of 16+ examinations

    The joining together of GCE 'O' Levels with CSE.
  • Started Primary School

    Started Primary School
    Oakridge Primary School. The school was separated into two halves, the infant school consisting of reception, years one and two. Junior school had four classes year’s three to six. Each half had a separate playground and entrance to the school. Before school and at breaks we had to line up in two lines for each class of boys and girls. All classes were generally equally mixed sex, of around 30 pupils from the local catchment area.
  • Task Group on Assessment & Testing

    Levels and targets for attainment in every subject were devised.
    Levels that pupils should be acheiving at each key stage were suggested.
  • Education Reform Act

    Education Reform Act
    The Nation Curriculum was introduced. Core Subjects must be taught from age 5 - 16 and stipulates that they should be supplimented by other subjects. At this point SATs were intoduced to help measure quality nationally along with League Tables.
    Tests were completed for core subjects of English, Maths and Science at, • Key Stage 1 - Year 2 - Age 7
    • Key Stage 2 - Year 6 - Age 11
    • Key Stage 3 - Year 9 - Age 14
  • GCSEs

    Introduced in 1988 GCSEs (General Certificate of Secondary Education) by the conservative goverment to replace the already established Certificate of Secondary Education (CSE) and GCE Ordinary Level (O-Level) examinations.
  • SAT's

    I was in the first year to complete the pilots for the SAT's at age 7, end of year 2.
  • John Major

    John Major
    Prime Minister
    Conservative Party
    1990 - 1997
  • Ofsted Established

    Ofsted Established
    Office for Standards in Education Created to monitor, assess and report on the quality of teaching in schools. As well as inspecting schools Ofsted research into the wider issues surrounding education. Ofsted
  • Walton High School

    Walton High School
    Walton High School consisted of around 1200 middle class students. Each year was generally split into 8 tutor groups, each year group being split in half depending on the language being taught. I changed tutor group in my first year of high school so that I could learn French rather than German. Lessons were taught in years 7 – 9 in groups of ability for the core subjects and by tutor groups for the remaining subjects.
  • Disability Discrimination Act

    Disability Discrimination Act
  • Tony Blair

    Tony Blair
    Prime Minister
    Labour Party
    1997 - 2007
  • Walton High School - GCSE's

    Walton High School - GCSE's
    Year 10 – 11 lessons remained in groups of ability for the core subjects, at this point options were chosen and mixed groups were created. At this time I completed 10 GCSE’s achieving 6 B’s and 4 C’s. One lesson of P.S.E. (Personal and Social Education) and P.E. was taught weekly. During Y10 and Y11, 3 weeks work experience were completed, one at the end of year 10 and two after completing my GCSE examinations as part of the agreed entry to sixth form.
  • Expansion of Specialist Schools

    National grid for learning established
  • Sixth Form

    Sixth Form
    Walton High School, Sixth Form. Lesson took place within the school as previous years had, however the sixth form were given their own area which was split in to a number of areas for studying and relaxing. As sixth formers responsibility was given to the students, we were allowed to wear respectable casual clothing and had money available to be spent on the sixth form centre, we brought a radio.
  • Old A-Levels and New style AS / A-Levels

    Old A-Levels and New style AS / A-Levels
    Old style A-Level. The last year of A-levels which took two years to complete. New style AS/A-Level. The first year of the new AS/A-Levels to take place. Sudents complete AS-Levels in the first year and then develop them into A -Levels. This allowed students to study a greater range of subjects initially and then focus on a chosen few as before to attain A-Levels. Students generally study five AS-Levels and then drop two to Acheive three A-Levels.
  • Sixth Form continued

    During years 12 and 13, I took four A-Levels, three of choice and one compulsory of General studies. I Studied A-Levels in ICT, Business Studies and Geography, these were the full A-Levels however at the end of year 12 I dropped the A-Level in geography and Started a new style AS in Maths, which could be completed in one year.
  • Staffordshire University

    Staffordshire University
    I started studying a degree in Information Systems (BSC). The degree consisted of four years, three years of study and one year completing relevant work experience. Work experience was completed in the third year, where I was an IT Technician in a Secondary High School. Each of the three years were worth 120 credits achieved through completing assignments and exams in a variety of module subjects. The last year consisted of a final year project worth half of the available credits.
  • Every Child Matters

    Every Child Matters
    Every Child Matters Aim, To support children up to age 19 to: •be healthy
    •stay safe
    •enjoy and achieve
    •make a positive contribution
    •achieve economic well-being.
  • Graduated University

    Graduated University
    Achieved a 2:2 in Information Systems (BCS)
  • Gordon Brown

    Gordon Brown
    Prime Minister
    Labour Party
    2007 - Present day
  • Started PGCE at Wolverhampton University

    Started PGCE at Wolverhampton University
    Started university to train to become a Secondary ICT Teacher.
    The course includes university teaching and 3 placements, one of which is a short placement looking at primary teaching.