The Puritan Legacy

By trishad
  • William Bradford: His Wife's Death

    Dorothy Bradford's death wasnt a tragic accident like many thought it was. She was becoming more suicidal at the thought of her family being so split up. She didn't want to wait till the colony was built for them to send over her son. The only way all of the people on the ship wouldn't have seen her slip into the water (meaning they could have saved her) was if she didn't want them to see.
  • Mary Rowlandson: The Puritans View of War

    The Puritans viewed the war between the native people of New England and the colonists as a sign of God's punishment for the Indians' sins because they were stubborn in the fact that they were the rightful owners of the land and that they belonged while the native people did. Rowlandson was one of the war's victims and she wasn't to fond of the indians and thought they were sinners also.