
  • Chesapeake Colonies

    First Chesapeake Bay Voyage: Captain John Smith King James I: royal charters for colonization of Virginia
    Original attempts failed; already home to Algonquians; Jamestown founded
  • Jamestown

    Royal Charters for colonization
    840 out of 900 died during first winter; survived with the help of Algonquian tribes
  • Great Migration

    [Date approximate] Massachusetts Bay Colony
    Puritans moved to Massachusetts to protect religion
  • The Bloody Tenet of Persecution

    [Date approximate] Roger Williams angered at religious persecution
    "forced worship stinks in god's nostrils"; led to King Charles II's eventual order of a stop to religious persecution in Massachusetts
  • French Crescent/Cardinal Richelieu

    [Date approximate] French Prime Minister Cardinal Richelieu ordered the creation of a Catholic empire in North America
    Became the French Crescent: 70,000 population by 1750; St. Lawrence R to Mississippi R
  • King Philip's War

    Indian men executed for murder; Wampanoag lands surrendered to colonists; Metacomet angered
    4,000 Algonquians dead, 2,000 colonists dead; Metacomet killed
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Susquehannock conflicted with expanding tobacco farmers
    Nathaniel Bacon murdered Indians; burned Jamestown
  • Letter on Tolerance

    [Date approximate] John Locke: Churches were voluntary societies; religious beliefs could and should not be forced; the state sanctioning of a religion did not guarantee its truth
    Tolerance Act passed one year later: Massachusetts slowly allowed other religions
  • King William's War

    [Date approximate] Began 75 years of conflict between English and French colonists
    Treaty of Ryswick ended individual war
  • Salem Witch Trials

    [Date approximate] Single, childless women were suspicious; Puritans had zero tolerance for practicing religion the "wrong" way
    “Witches”, Anglicans, Baptists, and Quakers were exiled, jailed, whipped, and executed
    King Charles II ordered a stop to religious persecution
  • Florida Slave Policy

    [Date approximate] Florida outlawed slavery
    Population of escaped slaves developed
  • Virginia Slave Code

    [Date approximate] Established that baptism could not free slaves, creoles inherited their mother's status, and beating slaves would not be considered a felony
  • Great Awakening

    [Date approximate] Religion was declining
    Various religious figures gathered crowds of soon-to-be-godfearing people; # of churches increased with population
  • Stono Rebellion

    Escaped slaves stole weapons and marched towards Florida
    Most were killed as they stopped to celebrate and rest in a field
  • Royal African Company/African Slavery

    [Date approximate] Company chartered
    Slave trade strenghtened participating African areas and weakened parts of Africa that lost people